Sunday, July 23, 2017

Today, the team woke up in our beds at the Union Station hotel in St. Louis, MO. Being an off day, we were able to sleep in until 7:30am and start our day. We woke up and ate a delicious breakfast at the hotel restaurant. Shortly after we finished, the team circled up and prepared for our friendship visit with LifeBridge Partnership which empowers people with disabilities to live fun and independent lives. While there, we played board games, farmers golf, bag toss, and other yard games. We ate a nice lunch of burgers and brats and many of us went up for seconds (or thirds). Being a crew member, I’ve found I can’t eat quite as much as the cyclists because I’m not burning off as many calories…haha. 

After the friendship visit, the team had free time to explore the city of St. Louis. I grew up in STL, so I showed some of the team the Old Court House and then we went up in the arch. It’s been really nice to visit with family and show the guys around the city I grew up in. We circled up later on for dinner, sponsored by Mr. Jay Stuckel. A big shoutout to Jay and the rest of our sponsors that have made St. Louis such a memorable stop on the trip. We’re looking forward to being back on the road tomorrow and getting closer to our final destination of Washington, DC. 

Author: Noah Hendel, Crew (Theta Lambda Chapter, Missouri State University)