
August 1, 2017 – Athens, GA to Clemson, SC – 85 miles 
Today we rode from Athens, Georgia into Clemson, South Carolina. After a breakfast sponsored by Young Harris United Methodist Church we hit the road! The ride was approximately 83 miles, and relatively quick. We had lunch on the beautiful Savannah river courtesy of George Baughman, a Pi Alpha from 1998. We then rode our bikes from lunch to Clemson Outdoor Lab. 
The lab is home to Ability Camps that are held each spring break and since the first one, Pi Kapp has done approximately $300,000 worth of work for the camp! This includes the shed that I helped build 2 years ago and the multiple projects done by my teammates Joey Smith and Chris Waechter over the past several years. We would also like to thank the Clemson Outdoor Lab for sponsoring our dinner! It was awesome to learn about the camp and see how much the work of our fellow Pi Kapps has improved the community there. Remember to always do more, never be complacent.
Dean Coffman
Virginia Tech (Delta Alpha)