Day 4: Lake Tahoe, Wednesday June 12th, 2019

We woke up and had an amazing breakfast at Mel’s before heading out to climb Kirkwood. They had some very good advice for us since one of the guys had made the biking trip across America twice already!! Starting the climb wasn’t too bad but after a couple of hours it became very tedious and our muscles started to become very sore. The only motivation I had after 40 miles was to get to lunch since everyone said it was easy sailing after that point. Every time we thought lunch was the next van we would find out that it wasn’t for a good few miles which really made me was to give up on the ride but with the motivation of myself and brothers I kept pushing til I made it to lunch. It also made the downhill 100x better since we worked so hard to see the amazing view which was absolutely breath taking. After getting here everyone rejoiced after making it and were very proud of each other. Everyone was so happy and yelling with joy in their voices!
For dinner everyone split up, I went to Applebee’s and destroyed my dinner. Everyone was very satisfied knowing that we had the next day off so we could rest our sore muscles. After everyone went to bed for a much needed sleep. I’m not looking forward to how my muscles are going to feel in the morning…

-Conor Lawless UNC Charlotte Delta Lambda