Thursday, August 10, 2017

The ride into Hagerstown , MD was pretty relaxing all around. We didn’t have any major reroutes, no real issues with construction or injuries, and beautiful weather. In fact, the rotation of the leapfrogging system we use to keep cyclists safe meant we were able to get into our lodging first. 


Now, on this trip, we have had some amazing and delicious food. But I have to say, one of my favorite lunches has to be the meal we had waiting for us at lodging. Our sponsor, a previous Pi Alpha, and a spread three tables long. It had a wide variety of foods from fruits to desserts, and a custom sandwich bar that really made the trip…and I was the first to try it. He really went above and beyond and our cyclists loved the food he made. 


Originally, we were supposed to have our dinner with friends at the Potomac center, however due to a bug that was going around, we were unable to have our last friendship visit, which hit the team hard. However, the Potomac center had a delicious dinner waiting for us. We had a barbecue spread catered by a local business and they hit it out of the park. Our team scarfed down the food and had a great evening playing basketball, running errands and hanging out with our brothers. At this point, we all began to realize our amazing summer was coming to an end, but the good times we were having helped mute our impending arrival. One more day, then we arrive in DC! 


Patrick Carlson


University of Northern Colorado