Thursday, July 13, 2017

Great day cycling to Wichita today. We were lucky enough to not experience much headwind and the ride went by fairly fast. It is our 6th straight day of riding so all of our legs are very excited for a nice rest day tomorrow! We were fortunate enough to have a delicious feast at Golden Corral sponsored by brother Devante Garcia from Kansas State University. It has been incredible seeing the support from strangers on the road throughout this trip. It is not uncommon to have drivers give us the thumbs up as they drive by or stop on the side of the road to learn about this great trip that we are on. People genuinely want to support this good cause and it makes cycling that much easier. Looking forward to checking out downtown Wichita tonight and having 2 friendship visits on our off day tomorrow! 

Author: Ryan Conrad, Cyclist (Omega Chapter, Purdue University)